For Administrators
Quick Start
Admin signs up and verifies email
Imports staff data
Creates review cycle and forms
Activates cycle
Staff receives access and completes reviews
1. Admin Account Management
Sign-Up and Login
Navigate to the signup page.
Enter your email and organization name.
An activation link will be sent to the provided email.
Click the activation link to be redirected to the admin dashboard.
Navigate to the sign-in page.
Enter your email.
A passwordless sign-in link will be sent to your email.
Click the link to access the admin dashboard.
Add More Admins:
Navigate to setting page
Add admin's email
You can transfer primary admin here in this page also.
New admin can go to sign-in page and do sign-in
2. Admin Dashboard
The admin dashboard includes the following menus:
a. Staff Management
Import Staff Data:
Use the import feature to upload staff data.
This step is mandatory before setting up review cycles as staff are required for creating assignments.
b. Review Cycle Management
Create a New Review Cycle:
Click on New Review Cycle.
Set the start date, end date
Choose the status (ensure it is set to 'Active' once the cycle is ready).
Add assignments under each review cycle with the structure:
Self Review
Peer Review
Manager Review
Utilize the provided forms: Self Review Form, Manager Form, Peer Review Form to create customizable review forms.
Activate a Review Cycle:
Change the status from 'Draft' to 'Active'.
Ensure the review cycle has valid start and end dates.
Monitor Review Progress:
The admin can monitor the progress of each assignment. If an assignment is incomplete, it will show an 'X' mark. Once completed, it displays a check mark.
Export Results:
Admins can export the review submissions as CSV files, with each assignment's results separately available.
Last updated